


Net zero homes are the industry’s peak performers, get insider perspective on why they’re so popular and how to build them for profit. The future of home building may be zero. “The best builders are learning to build homes with zero net energy use,” says Sam Rashkin, chief architect at the US Department of Energy (DOE) Building Technology Office. After leading the ENERGY STAR for Homes program for more than 16 years, Rashkin has raised the bar with the DOE Zero Energy Ready Home program. Yet most home buyers are unaware of net zero building or that it’s even an option. Complete the form below to see which builders have gone all in on net zero and why they’re betting big on this next frontier.   To earn the Zero Energy Ready Home label, a home must score in the low to mid-50s on the Home Energy Rating System (HERS) Index (a score of 100 is code…

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